Modernisation of Education Industry via Technology

Clicking a few buttons opens a whole world of knowledge for students. The current generation enjoys the benefit of instant response on advanced online learning platforms. Their study habits are being shaped by various technological advancements happening since the development of digital learning. They have access to a range of devices that bring education to their screens.

Educationists predict that technology will transform the entire education spectrum in the coming times. A lot has changed already. A report, compiled by R. Bajscy in 2002 for the US Department of Commerce, listed various ways in which ed-tech tools assist schools, students and education at large:
1. Help organize and provide structure for the teachers’ material to students.
2. Help students, teachers and parents interact (anytime and anywhere) in order to follow the progress of learning in a given subject.
3. Facilitate and assist in the authentication, search and prioritization of the digital material available on the web.
4. Simulate and visualize structures and processes which are the result of physical, chemical, biological and engineering models and to interact in real time with them.
5. Help in learning history and/or future trends because technology can reconstruct life and hence, facilitate visualization of going BACK and FORTH in time. For e.g.: a walk through old Rome, a walk through future New York or a devastated or polluted environment etc.
6. A tool for the handicapped population (including elderly), technology can serve as an extension and enhancer for their missing capabilities, being either perceptual, physical or cognitive, so that they can equally receive the delivered information for a given subject, just as the normal population.
Industry experts are coming out with innovative and novel digital paraphernalia that grab the curiosity of students and keep them hooked to productive learning. To explore a broad range of options for technology-enabled learning solutions, click here.  

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